create_thread @carshop
:carshop wait 0 thread 'CARSHOP'
:carshop_2 wait 0 model.Load(#BULLET) model.Load(#INFERNUS) model.Load(#PHOENIX) model.Load(#LAPD1) model.Load(#WMYBMX) model.Load(#KB_COUCH04) model.Load(#MAN_SDR_TABLES) 06E9: request_car_component #nto_b_tw 038B: load_requested_models
:carshop_3 wait 0 if and model.Available(#BULLET) model.Available(#INFERNUS) model.Available(#PHOENIX) model.Available(#LAPD1) model.Available(#WMYBMX) model.Available(#MAN_SDR_TABLES) model.Available(#KB_COUCH04) jf @carshop_3 if and 06EA: car_component_available #nto_b_tw 04EE: animation "PED" loaded jf @carshop_3 marker.CreateIconWithoutSphere($mark,55,-1960.0,284.7092,35.4688)
:carshop_4 wait 0 if or 00ED: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR 0 near_point -1960.0 284.7092 radius 150.0 150.0 on_foot 0100: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR near_point_in_car -1960.0 284.7092 35.4 radius 150.0 150.0 150.0 sphere 0 jf @carshop_4
:carshop_5 wait 0 04E4: unknown_refresh_game_renderer_at -1958.16 301.45 04E4: unknown_refresh_game_renderer_at -1947.45 267.89 04E4: unknown_refresh_game_renderer_at -1958.52 261.29 wait 50 0395: clear_area 1 at -1947.45 267.89 35.4363 range 50.0 wait 50 car.Create($infer,#INFERNUS,-1958.1641,301.459,35.2774) car.Angle($infer) = 162.7 car.DoorStatus($infer) = 2 car.SetImmunities($infer,1,1,1,1,1) car.Create($bullet,#BULLET,-1947.4531,267.8902,35.123) car.Angle($bullet) = 54.4 car.DoorStatus($bullet) = 2 car.SetImmunities($bullet,1,1,1,1,1) car.Create($phoenix,#PHOENIX,-1958.5234,261.2943,35.1197) car.Angle($phoenix) = 332.6 car.DoorStatus($phoenix) = 2 car.SetImmunities($phoenix,1,1,1,1,1) object.Create($stol,#MAN_SDR_TABLES,-1961.0756,282.4333,34.4688) object.Create($kreslo,#KB_COUCH04,-1961.3035,280.3008,34.4739) object.Angle($kreslo) = 160.2 object.Create($kreslo2,#KB_COUCH04,-1962.9984,283.2257,34.4739) object.Angle($kreslo2) = 50.5 actor.Create($oxpaHa,Cop,#LAPD1,-1962.2814,281.3864,35.4739) actor.Angle($oxpaHa) = 320.9 actor.Create($pro,GANG2,#WMYBMX,-1962.2251,283.0775,35.4739) actor.Angle($pro) = 230.4 0605: actor $oxpaHa perform_animation_sequence "SEAT_IDLE" from_file "PED" 4.0 loop 0 0 0 1 8000 0605: actor $pro perform_animation_sequence "SEAT_IDLE" from_file "PED" 4.0 loop 0 0 0 1 8000
:carshop_6 wait 0 0102: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR in_sphere -1960.0 284.7 35.4 radius 1.5 1.5 2.5 sphere 1 stopped_on_foot jf @carshop_6 Player.CanMove($PLAYER_CHAR) = False 0639: AS_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR rotate_to_actor $pro 0639: AS_actor $pro rotate_to_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR 05C9: AS_actor $pro on_guard 2000 067E: put_camera_on_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR with_offset 1.0 -1.0 1.0 point_to_actor $pro 0.0 mode 2 wait 10
:carshop_6_1 wait 0 08D4: $table = create_panel_with_title 'CARMOD1' position 31.0 180.0 width 178.0 columns 2 interactive 1 background 1 alignment 1 08D6: $table 0 1 09DB: $table 0 200 08DB: set_panel $table column 0 header 'CARGOBB' data 'INFERNU' 'BULLET' 'PHOENIX' 'DUMMY' 'DUMMY' 'DUMMY' 'DUMMY' 'DUMMY' 'DUMMY' 'DUMMY' 'DUMMY' 'DUMMY' 08D6: $table 1 2 08DB: $table 1 'COST' 'DUMMY' 'DUMMY' 'DUMMY' 'DUMMY' 'DUMMY' 'DUMMY' 'DUMMY' 'DUMMY' 'DUMMY' 'DUMMY' 'DUMMY' 'DUMMY' 0004: $price1 = 7990 0004: $price2 = 9990 0004: $price3 = 10159 08EE: $table 1 0 'DOLLAR' $price1 08EE: $table 1 1 'DOLLAR' $price2 08EE: $table 1 2 'DOLLAR' $price3 wait 10 090E: set_panel $table active_row 0
:carshop_7 wait 0 if 00E1: key_pressed 0 15 jf @carshop_8 03E6: remove_text_box 08DA: remove_panel 1@ Player.CanMove($PLAYER_CHAR) = True Camera.Restore_WithJumpCut wait 10000 jump @carshop_6
:carshop_8 wait 0 if 00E1: key_pressed 0 16 jf @carshop_7 03E6: remove_text_box 08D7: $_LEVEL = panel $table active_row 08DA: remove_panel $table
:carshop_9 wait 0 if $_LEVEL == 0 jf @carshop_10 camera.SetPosition(-1956.6802, 296.2223, 36.4688,0.0,0.0,0.0) camera.OnVehicle($infer,15,2) 08D4: $table2 = create_panel_with_title 'CARMOD1' position 31.0 180.0 width 178.0 columns 2 interactive 1 background 1 alignment 1 08D6: $table2 0 1 09DB: $table2 0 200 08DB: set_panel $table2 column 0 header 'CARGOBB' data 'PLA_20' 'CARM18' 'CARM6' 'DUMMY' 'DUMMY' 'DUMMY' 'DUMMY' 'DUMMY' 'DUMMY' 'DUMMY' 'DUMMY' 'DUMMY' wait 10 090E: set_panel $table2 active_row 0
:carshop_9_1 wait 0 if 00E1: key_pressed 0 15 jf @carshop_9_2 03E6: remove_text_box 08DA: remove_panel $table2 jump @carshop_6_1
:carshop_9_2 wait 0 if 00E1: key_pressed 0 16 jf @carshop_9_1 03E6: remove_text_box 08D7: $_LEVEL2 = panel $table2 active_row 08DA: remove_panel $table2
:carshop_9_3 wait 0 if $_LEVEL2 == 0 jf @carshop_9_4 fade 0 1000 wait 1000 car.Create($infer2,#INFERNUS,-1974.2239, 288.3419, 35.1719) car.Angle($infer2) = 88.5094 wait 10 036A: put_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR in_car $infer2 Player.CanMove($PLAYER_CHAR) = True Camera.Restore_WithJumpCut Player.Money($PLAYER_CHAR) += -7990 wait 100 fade 1 1000 wait 5000 jump @carshop_6
:carshop_9_4 wait 0 if $_LEVEL2 == 1 jf @carshop_9_5 fade 0 1000 wait 1000 car.Create($infer2,#INFERNUS,-1974.2239, 288.3419, 35.1719) car.Angle($infer2) = 88.5094 car.ToggleHydraulics($infer2) = true wait 10 036A: put_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR in_car $infer2 Player.CanMove($PLAYER_CHAR) = True Camera.Restore_WithJumpCut Player.Money($PLAYER_CHAR) += -7990 wait 100 fade 1 1000 wait 5000 jump @carshop_6
:carshop_9_5 wait 0 if $_LEVEL2 == 2 jf @carshop_9_3 fade 0 1000 wait 1000 car.Create($infer2,#INFERNUS,-1974.2239, 288.3419, 35.1719) car.Angle($infer2) = 88.5094 06E7: 1@ = add_car_component #nto_b_tw to_car $infer2 wait 10 036A: put_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR in_car $infer2 Player.CanMove($PLAYER_CHAR) = True Camera.Restore_WithJumpCut Player.Money($PLAYER_CHAR) += -7990 wait 100 fade 1 1000 wait 5000 jump @carshop_6 //--------------------------------------------------- :carshop_10 wait 0 if $_LEVEL == 1 jf @carshop_11 camera.SetPosition(-1949.4364, 272.4569, 36.4739,0.0,0.0,0.0) camera.OnVehicle($bullet,15,2) 08D4: $table2 = create_panel_with_title 'CARMOD1' position 31.0 180.0 width 178.0 columns 2 interactive 1 background 1 alignment 1 08D6: $table2 0 1 09DB: $table2 0 200 08DB: set_panel $table2 column 0 header 'CARGOBB' data 'PLA_20' 'CARM18' 'CARM6' 'DUMMY' 'DUMMY' 'DUMMY' 'DUMMY' 'DUMMY' 'DUMMY' 'DUMMY' 'DUMMY' 'DUMMY' wait 10 090E: set_panel $table2 active_row 0
:carshop_10_1 wait 0 if 00E1: key_pressed 0 15 jf @carshop_10_2 03E6: remove_text_box 08DA: remove_panel $table2 jump @carshop_6_1
:carshop_10_2 wait 0 if 00E1: key_pressed 0 16 jf @carshop_10_1 03E6: remove_text_box 08D7: $_LEVEL2 = panel $table2 active_row 08DA: remove_panel $table2
:carshop_10_3 wait 0 if $_LEVEL2 == 0 jf @carshop_10_4 fade 0 1000 wait 1000 car.Create($bullet2,#BULLET,-1974.2239, 288.3419, 35.1719) car.Angle($bullet2) = 88.5094 wait 10 036A: put_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR in_car $bullet2 Player.CanMove($PLAYER_CHAR) = True Camera.Restore_WithJumpCut Player.Money($PLAYER_CHAR) += -9990 wait 100 fade 1 1000 wait 5000 jump @carshop_6
:carshop_10_4 wait 0 if $_LEVEL2 == 1 jf @carshop_10_5 fade 0 1000 wait 1000 car.Create($bullet2,#BULLET,-1974.2239, 288.3419, 35.1719) car.Angle($bullet2) = 88.5094 car.ToggleHydraulics($bullet2) = true wait 10 036A: put_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR in_car $bullet2 Player.CanMove($PLAYER_CHAR) = True Camera.Restore_WithJumpCut Player.Money($PLAYER_CHAR) += -9990 wait 100 fade 1 1000 wait 5000 jump @carshop_6
:carshop_10_5 wait 0 if $_LEVEL2 == 2 jf @carshop_10_3 fade 0 1000 wait 1000 car.Create($bullet2,#BULLET,-1974.2239, 288.3419, 35.1719) car.Angle($bullet2) = 88.5094 06E7: 1@ = add_car_component #nto_b_tw to_car $bullet2 wait 10 036A: put_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR in_car $bullet2 Player.CanMove($PLAYER_CHAR) = True Camera.Restore_WithJumpCut Player.Money($PLAYER_CHAR) += -9990 wait 100 fade 1 1000 wait 5000 jump @carshop_6 //---------------------------------------------- :carshop_11 wait 0 if $_LEVEL == 2 jf @carshop_9 camera.SetPosition(-1958.5066, 266.8104, 36.4688,0.0,0.0,0.0) camera.OnVehicle($phoenix,15,2) 08D4: $table2 = create_panel_with_title 'CARMOD1' position 31.0 180.0 width 178.0 columns 2 interactive 1 background 1 alignment 1 08D6: $table2 0 1 09DB: $table2 0 200 08DB: set_panel $table2 column 0 header 'CARGOBB' data 'PLA_20' 'CARM18' 'CARM6' 'DUMMY' 'DUMMY' 'DUMMY' 'DUMMY' 'DUMMY' 'DUMMY' 'DUMMY' 'DUMMY' 'DUMMY' wait 10 090E: set_panel $table2 active_row 0
:carshop_11_1 wait 0 if 00E1: key_pressed 0 15 jf @carshop_11_2 03E6: remove_text_box 08DA: remove_panel $table2 jump @carshop_6_1
:carshop_11_2 wait 0 if 00E1: key_pressed 0 16 jf @carshop_11_1 03E6: remove_text_box 08D7: $_LEVEL2 = panel $table2 active_row 08DA: remove_panel $table2
:carshop_11_3 wait 0 if $_LEVEL2 == 0 jf @carshop_11_4 fade 0 1000 wait 1000 car.Create($phoenix2,#PHOENIX,-1974.2239, 288.3419, 35.1719) car.Angle($phoenix2) = 88.5094 wait 10 036A: put_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR in_car $phoenix2 Player.CanMove($PLAYER_CHAR) = True Camera.Restore_WithJumpCut Player.Money($PLAYER_CHAR) += -10159 wait 100 fade 1 1000 wait 5000 jump @carshop_6
:carshop_11_4 wait 0 if $_LEVEL2 == 1 jf @carshop_11_5 fade 0 1000 wait 1000 car.Create($phoenix2,#PHOENIX,-1974.2239, 288.3419, 35.1719) car.Angle($phoenix2) = 88.5094 car.ToggleHydraulics($phoenix2) = true wait 10 036A: put_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR in_car $phoenix2 Player.CanMove($PLAYER_CHAR) = True Camera.Restore_WithJumpCut Player.Money($PLAYER_CHAR) += -10159 wait 100 fade 1 1000 wait 5000 jump @carshop_6
:carshop_11_5 wait 0 if $_LEVEL2 == 2 jf @carshop_11_3 fade 0 1000 wait 1000 car.Create($phoenix2,#PHOENIX,-1974.2239, 288.3419, 35.1719) car.Angle($phoenix2) = 88.5094 06E7: 1@ = add_car_component #nto_b_tw to_car $phoenix2 wait 10 036A: put_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR in_car $phoenix2 Player.CanMove($PLAYER_CHAR) = True Camera.Restore_WithJumpCut Player.Money($PLAYER_CHAR) += -10159 wait 100 fade 1 1000 wait 5000 jump @carshop_6